Wednesday, September 17, 2008

No Regrets

These days I try to live my life with no regrets.
I realized that we live a short life and there is no point of regretting.
If you are going through something good or bad, it's a great life experience.
If you lost your chance at something, then move on~
Nothing is worth regretting and agonizing over it.
Don't get me wrong...
I'm not saying go out there and do stupid things and say "I just did it for the experience".
That's just stupid~
First, make the wisest decision possible and then whatever happens after that just happens!

Better safe than sorry~ ^^


Charles Kim, Jr. said...

no regrets dude, just brush your teeth for once please? I can smell the garlic all the way from korea town

albertyoon said...

how'd you know i had korean bbq!!!

Charles Kim, Jr. said...

im stalking you...

albertyoon said...
