Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Saw this movie with sweet lil' MnM~ ^^
I loved the storyline...
It kind of made me think of how the future is going to be like.
The drawings were oh so realistic to me, except for the humans~
The one thing that bothered me was that there was no dialogue~ -.-;;;;;
I know it's a robot, but still... I was getting bored~
But I have to admit that they did a pretty good job telling the story without saying too much!

Guess what?
For dinner, we ate some good ol' Tenko baby~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It was soooooooooooooo good and brought back a lot of memories! >.<

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Architecture Assignment

A day of shooting.
It took us 3 hours to shoot 2 shots per person~ T.T

Independence Day

Hung out at Junior's house for 4th of July...
As usual... continuous eating!!!! :P
Getting some exercise before we start grubbing~

Cooked a whole bunch of beef and pork~

Went to get some tacos, nachos, and, of course, horchata...
Mexican food is best really late at night! ^^

There was so many people and it was so hot inside the restaurant, we had to eat outside.

Friday, July 4, 2008


Just a couple of pictures of me from a wedding I attended.
It's rare having my picture taken because I'm usually the one taking the picture~
You could tell by the way I came out, but...
I look awkward in the pictures!!!! kkk
I'm just not used to it~
Maybe I should start a self-portrait series! ;-)

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Met up with some REALLY old friends to celebrate my bday~ ^^
We had some chicken ribs(?) in k-town.
This place is always packed and so good, but yesterday was especially good!!!
Maybe because of the people I was with~ ^^
The picture above is a cute little cake Jina got for me...
Soooooooo cute!!!!
Thank you so much~ ^.-

And of course... we had to hit up the NoRaeBang baby!!!!!!
This was my first time at this place, but it was nice~
It had big rooms, sound was good, and song selection was good too!

Our gathering was kind of short, but it's always a pleasure...
Wish we could meet up more often!
It's so comfortable and nice because they are like brothers to me~
Thanks for everything!!!!!!!
We, for sure, have to go on a road trip with a NoRaeBang AGAIN!!!