Thursday, July 3, 2008


Met up with some REALLY old friends to celebrate my bday~ ^^
We had some chicken ribs(?) in k-town.
This place is always packed and so good, but yesterday was especially good!!!
Maybe because of the people I was with~ ^^
The picture above is a cute little cake Jina got for me...
Soooooooo cute!!!!
Thank you so much~ ^.-

And of course... we had to hit up the NoRaeBang baby!!!!!!
This was my first time at this place, but it was nice~
It had big rooms, sound was good, and song selection was good too!

Our gathering was kind of short, but it's always a pleasure...
Wish we could meet up more often!
It's so comfortable and nice because they are like brothers to me~
Thanks for everything!!!!!!!
We, for sure, have to go on a road trip with a NoRaeBang AGAIN!!!

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